Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Maui Legends

As part of Matariki we re-read the legends of Maui. We then retold a legend and created artwork. Below is my work.

Great Fish Of Maui

A long time ago on a big Pā site and in a big whare lived a man called Maui. Maui asked his brothers if he could go fishing and they all said NO! He got mad. So that night he snuck on to the waka and he had all his fishing gear including his magical grandmother's jaw bone and a special woven rope. He fell asleep in the waka. When the brothers pushed the waka into the water he woke up. When the waka stopped Maui jumped out and then the brothers had no choice but to let him fish. So he did a karakia and  threw the line out with the magical grandmother's jawbone on the end of the special woven rope. He felt something strong pull on the rope, it was big, it's a giant stingray which is now the North Island of Aotearoa. The brothers cut up the fish and these cuts made the hills and crevices so that is how the lakes and rivers of the North Island formed. That's the great fish of Maui.

By Sam



  1. hello Sam It Billie here,
    I think that you art work and writing is great but I think that you should put the meaning of the Maori words in brackets because I don't know what some of those Maori words mean.

    1. Thanks for the comment and I'll make show I pot the maori words in brackets next time -SAM


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.