Friday 14 June 2019

Lake Daniells Day Tramp

On the 12-6-2019 room 8 and room 1 went on a day tramp to Lake Daniells
for William Pike. Thanks to the teachers Ms Kemp and Mrs Robin for
organising and you can't forget the parents for transport and a laugh.

Before the tramp we learned about hypothermia and we had to not wear
cotton to stop water freezing up against your skin. Then we set of in the
cars. I went with my dad up to Reefton and to the Lake Daniells car park.

The walk up to the lake was about two hours in and two hours back. It
was a good walk but it didn't snow so that was sad.Near the end of
the tramp me and a couple of friends carried some logs
to drop off the bridge. That was the best part!

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